Books and Fantasy Stories by

Below, please find my published books. Also available as an e-book, just click on the "buy it" buttons. At the moment, I'm working on a new book in collaboration with Yogesh Bhatt, India. Entitled "Chakravyuh - a tale of women, their struggle and endurance".

Sarah and Kim's Magical Adventure
ISBN-13: 978-1549645150
A butterfly turns out to be a magic fairy. Dark, threatening clouds warn of the spell of an evil sorceress named Drusilla. A magical adventure begins for Sarah and Kim. They have to fight weird-looking creatures when they try to stop Drusilla’s devious plans. Things get worse when Kim falls into the hands of the sorceress. Will the girls save themselves, the magical land, and the children in the world from the fury of the sorceress?

The Adventure of Moonie
Early in the morning, high in the mountains of China, a large black figure appears. It's a magnificent Asiatic black bear, otherwise known as a moon bear. His name is Moonie. He has a happy life. His friend Eddie the eagle and his brother Erwin like to play jokes on him. Their fun ends when they discover humans in the area. Hungry for food the bears hide behind rocks. They get a nasty surprise. Moonie gets caught in a net and taken to a bear farm. A terrifying ordeal. Erwin and Eddie want to rescue him. Two children also know what happened. They rescue Moonie and other bears with the help of Animals Asia. Then Moonie escapes. Joined by his brother Erwin and Eddie he goes on a mission to find the other bears. An adventure with ups and downs. At their final destination, Moonie finds something rather special. The story is fun to read. At the same time, you learn about the endangered moon bears, how they live, what they eat and more. When you buy this book, you also support the Animals Asia Foundation.

ISBN 979-8576700950
Suspense drama. Based on a true story. People, places, and events fictionalized. Years ago, my husband and I moved to Spain to set up a holiday rental business. Not in our wildest dreams could we ever imagine the mind-blowing events that followed. For the first time in our life, we dealt with mafia practices, intimidation, and death threats. We ended up fighting through the Spanish legal system. Together with a group of other foreigners, we became entangled in a cycle of endless war with a power-hungry Spanish family. Did justice prevail? Judge for yourself.
I will donate 25% of the book's sales price to the Duette Animal Rescue Team in Duette, Florida.
ISBN-13: 978-1520720654
Written in collaboration with author Yogesh Bhatt from India.
A successful young woman bumps into a fascinating stranger.
Passion, confusion, and a fear of commitment take her on a tumultuous, challenging, and perilous ride, hurting herself and others.
Just in time, she applies the brakes. But will she be able to salvage what's left of her shattered romantic relationship?
The novel received a 4-star rating on Inkitt.

ISBN-13: 978-1731111340
A compilation of short stories. For children aged 8 to 10, but also for those who enjoy fantasy stories. Travel to imaginary places, with animals, secrets, magic, and adventure. Castles, creatures and wizards. Read the stories alone or share them with family and friends. Wherever you are, enjoy the world of fantasy.

A Tale of Passion And Tragedy
Unable to commit to a steady relationship, Claire Attaway pushed away the one person who loved her the most. Deception lurked in the shadows when she fell for a man who considered himself quite the Casanova. Claire soon discovered his hidden dark side.
After realizing her mistake, she vowed to return to her first love, who had remarried by then. Still, she enchanted and persuaded him to begin an affair. A dangerous love spindle ignited an unquenchable fire.
Would Claire overcome the disastrous events and find true love?
This romantic novel is a revamp of Faithless Romance.
Aangewakkerd door Passie en Tragedie
Claire Attaway, een jonge, succesvolle en ambitieuze vrouw, worstelde met de brokstukken van haar verleden. Niet in staat om zich te binden aan een vaste relatie, stootte ze de enige man af die echt van haar hield, en die haar kon helpen om haar wonden te helen. Tegen beter weten in, viel ze alsnog voor een begeerlijke, charmante man. Maar achter zijn glimlach en zijn mooie woorden schuilde een bedrieger, een manipulator, een leugenaar. Claire ontglipte hem en keerde terug naar haar, inmiddels getrouwde, eerste liefde. Ze verleidde hem een affaire te beginnen. De gevolgen van deze vurige liefdesverhouding waren niet te overzien. Zou ze uiteindelijk vrede vinden in de armen van haar ware liefde?

Wonderbaarlijke Verhalen
In een bovenaards rijk waar het onmogelijke werkelijkheid wordt, nemen fluisteringen uit de schaduwen je mee op een reis door betoverde bossen, kastelen en geheime plekken. Dit e-boek onthult een verzameling van wonderbaarlijke verhalen, waar elke bladzijde je dieper meeneemt in de magie van het onbekende. Bereid je voor om betoverd te worden door de mystieke wezens en de oude legendes die leven in de fluisteringen van het rijk.